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A Good Life For Horses By Design

Equine Welfare Meets Equine Practice

It's About Improving The Lives Of Horses

 Improving Horse Facilities To Maximise Equine Wellbeing

It’s time to rethink your practices


At Equined, we optimise the welfare of horses by design. With lifelong experience in the equine and architecture sectors, we can apply the most up-to-date scientific knowledge to the design and development of equine environments.

We focus on improving horse facilities to better meet the needs of horses, not just humans. Traditional designs often forget about the mental health of horses, focusing more on human convenience and old habits.

We believe it’s important to consider both the physical and mental wellbeing of horses. This means creating environments that let them behave naturally – like how they sleep, socialize, and play. Research shows that this approach can really benefit their overall health.

Changing the way we design horse facilities can be challenging. It involves new thinking in both construction and horse care. But, it’s necessary because it’s not just about physical spaces – it’s about improving the lives of horses.

Our goal is to use the latest science and a fresh perspective to make horse facilities that truly cater to the needs of horses. This means thinking about everything from the size and layout of the space to the materials used. It’s a new way of designing that puts horses first.

We’re inspired by how zoos have evolved to create more natural habitats for animals. Similarly, we want to change horse facilities for the better. It’s not just about sticking to the old ways, but about making real improvements for the wellbeing of horses.

Meet Leonie Lee

Leonie Lee is a qualified Architect, Registered Building Practitioner and Equine Assisted Learning Practitioner who wrote the first equine facilities design course in Australia thirty years ago.

Committed to bridging the gap between science and design practice, Leonie applies her education expertise to raise awareness of equine welfare needs and how to accommodate them through thoughtful design.
Her holistic consideration of the horse’s lived experience underpins her  determination to improve on traditional facility design and management models. By engaging with equine stakeholders, Leonie hopes every horse owner can improve their horse’s living environment in ways that allow them to live their best life.

Equined Design Consultancy 

Are you re-designing or planning to develop an exemplary equine property?

Do you know which questions to ask your building designer and construction company to ensure the horse’s welfare needs are accommodated?

 Do you want the best for your horses?

The process of design and construction is challenging, expensive and long-lasting. Do it once and do it right! Optimise every cent and every effort you make to achieve a good life for you and your horses.

Equined: A good life for horses by design, can provide the next level in accommodating your requirements as well as your horse’s physical, mental and behavioural needs.

Our consultancy offers specialist design expertise in integrating the safety and welfare needs of horses and their humans within the built environment. 

    Design audits for human and horse safety and welfare

    We can assess existing or proposed infrastructure with a focus on accommodating your requirements and your horses’ needs to optimise safety and welfare of all users.

    Independent equine facility liaison.

    We bridge the communication gap between you and the governing authorities, your designers and/or construction companies while never losing sight of the equine centric welfare approach.

    Property Master planning

    Provide innovative and practical ideas for your proposed property layout, orientation of the facilities, and construction materials for optimising the safety and welfare of the horses and humans who will interact within them.

    Our consultancy services are flexible and tailored to your situation.

    Equined Design Education


    We are committed to bridging the gap between equine welfare science, equestrian practice, and infrastructure design. Equined offers specialist education in equine environment design. The consideration of the horse’s lived experience underpins our objective to meet equine welfare needs and raise awareness of how we can accommodate them through thoughtful design.

    • Specifically developed Masterclasses, seminars and workshops: For tertiary institutions where students work with horses as undergraduates, in their practical placement and/or in their post graduate careers. These include Veterinary and Equine Science and Business courses, TAFE Certificates in Equine Studies and horse care.
    • Equined Walk and Talk tours: The educational experience that explores the welfare consequences of design and construction practices are considered at the visit to existing properties.
    • Seminar presentations: For equine industry stakeholders and interest groups including commercial enterprises and governing bodies, sporting and leisure organisations who want to foster community trust by demonstrating optimal welfare during the ‘other 23 hours’.
    • Welfare by design communications – Copy writing for print, invitations to present at conferences and seminars, online publishing and posting programmes for organisations.
    • Education courses: Equined Brief and the Equined Master Course are under development. Participants will learn the principles of equine facility design and how they can improve horses’ lived experiences and promote a good life. Design education via the horse’s own welfare lens.

    Register your interest to recieve updates on these courses.